Dream Diaries – #5, 6, and 7

So it’s been quite awhile since I’ve done any Dream Diaries, so I’ve had some of my dreams just adding up to the to do list. I figured now would be a good time to blog about it.

To read my previous Dream Diaries, see here: https://jonathansacceptation.blogspot.ca/

Dream Diary #5 – Ongoing Journey

I recall the location I was at. It was at my family’s farm in the back barn, specifically right by the hydraulic control system for our alleyway scraper (it moves manure towards the manure pit). I know the location well: There’s two gates for either alley, headlock gates on one side where the cows and heifers can eat, stalls where they can rest or sleep on the other side, two garage doors behind the gates, etc.

When I was there, I noticed there was many valuable items, valuable to me that is, sitting in front of me between the two gates in a place that would be out of reach for the heifers that would’ve been within the gated area. For some reason, there was no heifers around, not much of anything really. It was just me, these valuable items, and my surroundings. I didn’t do anything with these valuable items, I just saw them sitting there scattered around.

Then my dream flashed to a sort of cabin way off in the woods. It was a modest cabin and it felt comfortable to be in, it set me at ease. I flashed back to the barn, but I found myself on the farm’s Polaris Ranger (a 4×4 utility vehicle we’d use for work). I started driving back through the fields to reach that cabin I had seen, but I knew that I wasn’t getting any closer to it. I was just travelling, getting nowhere.

Then I woke up.

Continue reading “Dream Diaries – #5, 6, and 7”

Dream Diaries – #5, 6, and 7

Being Organized – Best Thing Of My Life

I can’t tell you how great being organized would be for yourself, but for myself, it’s been great. What really counts in being organized is putting things you need to do out of your mind. When I was able to write tasks that need to be done (and hopefully when they should be done), it gave me peace of mind.

Without worrying about remembering what I forget, I’m better at knowing what to remember.

If anyone’s interested in a good way to get organized, I’d definitely recommend using Trello with the cards “To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done.”

Being Organized – Best Thing Of My Life

A Journey With Cloud Sixteen

I’ve made many posts about Cloud Sixteen before, some good, some bad. I’m at a point in my life where I can look back and reflect on my history that I’ve built up so far, Cloud Sixteen is apart of that history.

Lots of people will say that you can never leave Cloud Sixteen, however I think that is false; Cloud Sixteen never leaves you.

Comparing what Cloud Sixteen is today to what it was back then, you can see a lot of differences. There’s more life, more purpose in Cloud Sixteen now. The thing to understand is that Cloud Sixteen isn’t just one person now (kurozael), it’s a community of aspiring people, many of which I’ve seen grow both in knowledge and maturity (duck, Dex, Lev, Aflac, NightAngel, Tommy, Sixx, Rhenz, alexanderk, Atebite, Vortix, Polis, Songbird, trurascalz, Kemerd, Sheeplie, and many more).

My time at Cloud Sixteen has been a bag of mixed emotions with a plethora of experiences. I’ve learned at and outside of Cloud Sixteen, both in my programming skills and people skills. I can look at things and not have that feeling of being consumed by certain topics, but I can instead look at things critically and keep an unbiased view.

Not much else to say, this wasn’t really intended to be a big post, this wasn’t really intended to be posted at all.

A Journey With Cloud Sixteen