Refining Rule, Day 402 – A Kingdom Has Risen

Controlled Territory, Day 402

Alas, we start again! I’ve decided to blog about this playthrough later into the game so that I don’t end up repeating myself.

For simplicity sake I’ve numbered areas on the map by districts. So the lower the number, the longer I’ve held that land. I plan to divide the districts up by towns and their surrounding area.


When I started this game I journeyed far and wide trying to get as much money as possible until I could start creating my own businesses. Once I gathered enough money I set out to create dyeworks in as many towns as possible so that I could get enough passive income to support my army (it was mostly comprised of Swadian troops).

Once I formed enough power I took Maras Castle (owned by the Kingdom of Rhodoks, aka the green guys) and formed the Kingdom of Arjello. From there it was a slow climb in capturing surrounding castles, and then I finally took Yalen. Once I had Yalen, my power was solidified.

I made peace where possible until my economy improved and my forces grew. From there I went north (to the left in the picture of the map seen above) and exploited Swadia’s constant wars. The Kingdom of Swadia was largely distracted by ongoing wars with other kingdoms so it was quite easy to take the closest castles and of course Praven.

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Refining Rule, Day 402 – A Kingdom Has Risen

First Beginnings, Day 106 – War & Vassalage

    We ride unto Curaw.We ride unto Curaw.

Current day as of writing this: Day 106

After many defeats we finally went on the offense. First we took Reyvadin (town just behind me in the picture above), now Curaw. These two victories led to my good standing with King Harlaus and let me become a Vassal to him.


First fief bestowed unto Count RJ.
First fief bestowed unto Count RJ.

I was given the fief for Ayyike and it was a sorry sight. It was raided just as I was given it and so I couldn’t do anything but wait. I will say this, its location may be close to the enemy, but at least its very close to a town which should limit the amount of bandit attacks.

First Beginnings, Day 106 – War & Vassalage

First Beginnings, Day 69 – Kingdom Under Siege

Pillars of smoke come from settlements that have been raided.

Current day as of writing this: Day 69 (hue)

As you can probably guess, being at war with every kingdom isn’t always the best thing. The Kingdom of Swadia has been getting hit pretty hard and our economy is near collapse (even my owner businesses are taking a hit). While we may have powerful armies, we’re slow to adapt to changing tides, and even slower to organize our armies to fend off attacks.

Peace is what Swadians need, however war is what pushes us forward.

First Beginnings, Day 69 – Kingdom Under Siege