For a time I hadn’t been so consumed with video games, probably a solid year by now. Recently I’ve rediscovered the joy of playing video games, a joy I thought I’d never find again.
For a time I felt nothing when trying to play a game, if I even decided on which game to play. I would spend time scrolling through a list of games I could play lamenting about all the fun I had playing that particular game, wondering if I’d ever have as much fun like that again.
There was a wall in front of me, and when I’d look for a way around I’d only see the wall again. I can tell you now that there’s no longer a wall. What there was was more so a handicap of the sort preventing speedy passage. You could say I was trying to run through water, I the beholder of what once was, the water the games. I should’ve been in a boat with a paddle, doing things the right and fast way to get across.
I was supposed to post this awhile ago but didn’t get around to it. As of late I’ve just been enjoying games and what not, such fun!